Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

I wanted this Fourth of July to be quiet and dull, and I got my wish! I went to church and then went to get ant spray. I have been overrun by ants! I use the Grant's Ants Stakes, but I thought maybe I needed a spray to clear off the area in the kitchen and then use the ant stakes for prevention. My goal for the fourth of July was to clean out the refrigerator. I intended to only work for one hour, but then when I realized that that was not enough time for what I wanted to do, I brought the portable DVD player into the kitchen and watched Leap Year. Amy Adams! What a cutie pie! And the guy playing Declan! I would have loved to have met someone like him when I was in Ireland! The movie was one hour and 40 minutes and in about two hours I had cleaned my refrigerator and freezer and hauled out mass amounts of freezer-burned food to the trash can. I also marinated some steaks I got on sale at Winco and prepared some chicken breasts for barbecue. I am thinking I will barbecue a lot this summer.
I barbecued chicken breasts wrapped in bacon and skewered Portabello mushrooms I thought it was good! I also stuck a potato wrapped in foil in the coals and baked that. I had cherry pie for dessert.
I decided to give Stanley the benedryl so that he would not be stressed about the fireworks. He was very mellow and quiet. At one point he was on my lap having a hard time holding his eyes open.
Comedy Central had a whole stand up day, and I dvr-d some of the comedians. I really enjoyed Gabriel Iglesias, I like DVR-ing the stand ups, since I can fast forward some of the more "unpleasant" parts. It's not the language so much as the intimate personal details of someone's life! I don't need to get into anyone else's life right now.
So, quiet, and dull and funny. And celebrating the freedom of a clean refrigerator without those annoying science projects!

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