Friday, July 2, 2010

Another day of retirement!

Yesterday I took my car in to the mechanic--I have a wonderful mechanic, who is honest and fair and nice!--and I asked Tina to come pick me up. My plan was to go to the thrift store in south Chino and then take her to lunch. Tina is limited to 10 books per thrift store, since she hoards books and has about 11,000 at her house (and about 20 in her car). I could not resist the clothes, as usual. I found a thermal hoodie! I always get so cold and this will be perfect! I also found two French laundry jackets. who knew French Laundry made plus size????? And a long banquet sized table cloth that I decided to drape over a chair for right now. The fabric is multi colored and embroidered. It looks Asian, almost Thai. I also found an unopened box of materials for papermaking for a whole classroom. I thought about Danielle and today I talked to her and asked her if she wanted it for her future class. But then we decided to get together and just make paper. Lots more satisfying!
We went to Lucilles for lunch and I had the fried green tomatoes and the fried dill pickles and the greens and for dessert (!) we had red velvet cake and peach cobbler. I am in this not eating much mode (a good thing!), so I had leftovers. Tina and I are going to sign up for some cooking classes and we went over and did that. Then we went to the Senior Center to sign up for a trip to the Mission Inn in November. it was so hot out and the mechanic hadn't called me back, that we decided to hang out at the senior center for a while. We got their menu and I am definitely going to attend lunch a couple of days this month! It's $2!
The car needed an oxygen sensor and so that was $450, but I know it will run better. I did clean it out before I got there, so Mr. Johnson wouldn't say too much.
I was so tired from that whole thing I took a nap and then worked on stuff until 11. But then I woke up at 1 am and couldn't go back to sleep until 4! I think my body is getting adjusted to no work.
I love the idea that if I don't sleep, I don't have to go to get up early and go to work. I can sleep in or I can nap or??? This is a good deal!

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