Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rant: I am not your entertainment!

I have been receiving phone calls from people who believe that I am available to talk to them because THEY are bored! I hate this! "I will call Colleen because I am bored! Then I will pretend to listen to her, but really I am just want to talk about ME."
Well, that's it people! No more answering the phone for me! Email me or speak to me in person, but DO NOT CALL ME BECAUSE YOU ARE BORED!!!!
And now back to the regularly scheduled calmness.
I have been getting ready for my newest adventure: teaching the K-1 at San Jose. On Saturday I went to school with Steven and Brandon and got the room ready--basically. Now I can tweak it this week. Tomorrow is the first day of school for teachers and I will be in meetings most of the time, so I needed the room to look ready for students. I have also been organizing my clothes so that I can plan what I wear and here is a picture of my new sweater. I will wear it with black pants and a white camisole. I am looking forward to a fabulous year!

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