Thursday, July 30, 2009

If this is what it's like to be retired...

So since I have been off work, I have been working harder than at work--okay maybe not, when I think about the Kinders and the Firsts and their energy. I wanted to work on some projects that would stretch me as an artist, and I have been doing that. Here's a painting I did:
Besides the paintings, I made fabric flowers (pictures to follow tomorrow). And...I cleaned behind the refrigerator and found lots of disposable plastic ware that I had washed anyway and they had fallen behind when they were drying. And I washed the curtains in the kitchen and in the laundry room. On the swear-o-meter, I was at a full 10 because the bracket was loose. I found another bracket, put it in, but did you know that curtain rods (those metal kind) don't fit the the brackets sometimes??? So now I need a new curtain rod.
But, on the Handyman meter, where I am usually a minus 7, I am at least a 5 because i put in a door knob! The door knob on the laundry room door has been off forever and I found one at the thrift store for $1.99. So I finally put that on. I am such a Handywoman Goddess!
So although I was going to wash all the curtains, I am exhausted and I need to clean up from the fabric flowers. So I am going to quit handywomaning for today and wash curtains on Saturday.
Obviously the only reason to work is to afford a housecleaning service, so that when you ARE home, you have this nice clean place to be. So I am not going to retire any time soon.

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