Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Bad Vibes

Today I was working on the Day of the Dead skulls and had technical problems. The skulls "imploded." A balloon is the base of the skull and when I poked the hole for the eyes, the balloon didn't burst exactly. So, I had to scrap two of the three skulls I was working on. I am thinking the glue really bonded to the balloon and so I am changing to the paste that Kathy suggests. I will do one with new paste and then if it doesn't work, it's the balloons. The third one I had to build up but it was salvagable.
I attribute this to the fact that right before I went to work on them, my friend and are were talking and complaining. I have tried to be so--well, if not positive, then not negative. And we were just on our merry way complaining like we do. This is what we talk about. So I will try to reverse the bad vibes tomorrow with positives all day! I think it affects my art!

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