Tuesday, November 18, 2008

And here's another one!

Here's a picture of another dishcloth I finished. I am wondering who to give these to. I am thinking about giving them with a nice bar of soap and other little trinkets. 
While I am knitting I am thinking about the concept of resentment and it's effects in my life. It's like all my thoughts and feelings go into the dishcloth I am knitting and I am unburdened for a while. 
Now I am starting a lacy scarf in mohair. And tonight I watched To Have and Have Not with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. Every time I watch that movie I am struck by how tiny Bogart is. I think Bacall outweighed him in that movie. This is the one where she says if you need me just whistle and then: "You know how to whistle, don't you Steve? You just pucker up and blow." Walter Brennan is in the movie as an old drunk. I came home tired and sick and started the scarf and was in Martinique with Bogie and Bacall. And then I did report cards! 
Tonight if I had one wish it would be to just do one thing for awhile-- and that would be knitting!

1 comment:

Jane Jeffress Thomas said...

My mother, 84, is a knitter and makes a lot of baby things for family members, but for several years has been making dish/wash cloths. She finds bars of soap and wraps them in tissue along with one or more cloths. She finds tiny baskets at Christmas and puts soap and cloths in them for presents. Both parents are on a very fixed income. She says it is embarrassing to give these as gifts, but all of us love to receive them. I have now convincedf her to make them in bride's colors along with soap and give them as gifts. The brides love them. Most of them use them for washcloths since the cotten thread is so soft. I love yours. I have several patterns that I found for my mom that I will be happy to send to you if you want them. Just send me your email addy. Mine is jane1@cp-tel.net