Saturday, June 25, 2011


For the past several weeks, I have taken the weekend "off" and I have started something fun and weird. I call this Saturday Craft. Last week it was a kit from the thrift store that had Set-A-Color fabric dye. The dye is brushed on cloth and then you put objects on it and set the fabric in the sun. The sun sets the dye and leaves negative space where the objects (in my case, leaves) were. This was fun and could have been messy. But the directions were very good and I followed them (surprise). One week I made bows out of magazine pages. This week was going to be paper making. I got a kit from the thrift store to do that. (I love the thrift store!) But instead I helped my daughter spray and dry her clothes with mosquito repellent. She is going to Uganda next week and will be working with a clinic there for two weeks. I also made her a sort of sheet envelope with a queen sheet. I folded the sheet lengthwise and then sewed the bottom and the side-half way up. This will be like a little sleeping bag. This will prevent bed bugs (we hope). So the Saturday craft was different even for me.
Besides that I am getting ready for jury duty. I mean I am staying busy and not trying to have anxiety about my anxiety over jury duty. I have served jury duty before but this is the federal district court in downtown Los Angeles. A forty mile drive one way! I am trying to be positive and all but mostly I am not happy about this. The court is right downtown and it is very crowded and ugly and there are homeless and crazies. Yuck! I can get that in downtown Pomona and not have to drive so far!

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