Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

Yesterday I went to church to prepare for Christmas Eve service. I carried the Baby Jesus from the sacristy where he was "hiding out" to the back of the church. Then tonight one of the children will carry him and his manger to the altar. I keep thinking we need a more "culturally sensitive" Baby Jesus, since this one has bright blue eyes and blond hair. Although we really don't know what Jesus looked like, I suspect, he did not have blonde hair and blue eyes. While I was preparing for the service, I got a brilliant idea: When I put the banners up I always get confused on which banner goes on which side of the sanctuary. So I got my Sharpie and wrote a G on the back at the top of the banner for Gospel side and E for epistle side. That way I will be able to see and I don't have to remember! Working for God is hard! I know God will be understanding if I make a mistake but I am not always sure about his underlings.

This morning the meditation was about Christ (or God) coming to us in human form. God had appeared to others in visions, dreams, and physical manifestations like a burning bush (or a blonde hair blue eyed baby?). But...(the author of the meditation said) we didn't recognize Him. So God sent his son. I wonder how many times I didn't recognize God or his tapping me on the shoulder or sending a burning bush or a dove or a dream about a ladder?
The good thing about retirement is that you can hear your thoughts. The bad thing about retirement is that you can hear your thoughts. And what I've been thinking is that I have not been open hearted and loving as I should have. My heart was damaged not by a physical illness but by cruelty brought about by sickness on someone else's part. And I have yet to allow God to heal me. And yet God has shown himself to me. And just like everyone else, I didn't recognize him.
So, Christ is the manifestation of God in the flesh. "This is me," God is saying. "And this is how I want you to be. I was a baby. Then a boy. Then a man. And I died. And I live again."
Recognizing God. That's the challenge.

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