Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I am a Super Woman!

Okay, maybe not. But I did put together this BOOKCASE that I bought at Walmart about two months ago! Yes! I used tools: a hammer and a philips and a flathead (!) and I hardly used any curse words! Whoa! And I did it in One hour and 20 minutes. This bookcase is in my office and will hold the scanner and some notebooks and office supplies in bins. I am slowly getting organized so that I can develop my art.
I was in a real panic this morning since the venue I had tentatively booked for my party was not being cooperative. I woke up at 2:30 this morning wondering where I would have the party. But I am back on track with a new venue and a really nice plan. I am waiting for the new venue to get back to me on the details. I hope everyone likes what I've planned!
Yesterday, Matt, Greg and I went out to Round Table and Matt showed me his Monk and Psych bobble head doll apps. I had to have them. When you press areas of Monk's body, he says stuff. The Psych app includes Gus and both say things--as well as bobble.
And tomorrow I am going to tea with Amy. She gave me a gift certificate to a tea shop in Glendora. I remember the tea at the Fairmont in Victoria. What a treat! I am looking forward to this as well.
Now I have to clean up the mess I made putting the bookcase together. If the art thing doesn't pan out I guess I could always help people put together furniture!

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