Friday, January 9, 2009

Dishcloths, thrift stores, new years, and me!

Although I have tried to think why I need to knit dishcloths, I still haven't come up with a good answer! I have done several since I last posted. I will put up pics later. But there is something soooooo satisfying about sitting down and knitting two or three (or twenty rows) and having this perfect square object in cotton yarn completed in practically no time! 
I decided during Christmas break to go to my favorite thrift stores monthly to see what I could find under $20. Right now I am looking for a chest of drawers--under $20. I want to organize the art room and put the chest in there to put large art supplies away. I went to two of my favorites on January 2nd and scored! I found some never worn (at least it didn't seem like it) tops and sweaters and got 7 items for under $10. I wore one of the sweaters to school and got lots of compliments on it. Then I found a ceramic rubber ducky vase. My friend collects rubber duckies for her downstairs bathroom, so I bought it and Yes! You guessed it! I am going to put some yellow and orange dishcloths in it and give it to her for next Christmas! I don't think she reads this blog, so I hope it will be a surprise!
And the new year always brings this need to resolve to improve. But this year I decided to let that all go. I am working on the issue of grief and if I can just get over the grief that will be enough for 2009. "I will be fine in 2009." To that end I am finishing my own self help book on grief. I think I have read enough self -help books and taken enough classes and courses and I am no longer going to let someone else tell me how to help me. I know what to do! And I also know that grief gets better when you do something! 
The other part of my 2009 "resolution" is to accept what the Course in Miracles says:"God has already given you everything." So I accept what God has given, acknowledge it and appreciate it. 

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