Thursday, November 13, 2008

Catching up

I was catching up last night with someone I hadn't spoken to for a while. And the old resentment came out as we were talking. I looked up resentment in the dictionary and they referred to the word "grudge." And yet, I, wonderful, saintly person, also swore that I never held a grudge. Ha! Obviously, I am full of grudges and getting more all the time!
Also, I realized that resentment for me is a result of saying yes when I really meant no. Then I resent the act or the service or the task but am stuck doing it because I said yes. And not being honest with people makes me resentful as well. So I need to be honest with the people I can be honest with (you know who you are!). 
So, as I contemplate resentment and its effect in my life, I realize how it's taken its toll. And now I must act to clear up the resentment in my life. 
And more dischcloths!

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